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Trademarks and Copyrights
The brand name of the soft drinks manufactured by Joseph Charles Bottling Works and Investments Limited, Solo, is formally trademarked. All information presented on this website, in terms of graphical and textual content and concept is copyrighted (c) Solo 2005 and is considered the intellectual property of Solo. Any unauthorized use of any of the information so presented here is prohibited.

Privacy Policy
Solo believes that electronic privacy is essential for both individuals and commercial enterprises on the Internet today. As such, any and all e-mail addresses collected on this website (via the use of feedback and contact forms, etc) shall, be used solely for providing a method of contact between Solo and the submitters of the e-mail addresses for the purposes of replying to questions, comments or any such correspondence that the submitters of the e-mail addresses might have dispatched to Solo via this website, and will never be used or collected for the purposes of reselling to any third party or be added to any bulk e-mailing list.